Publications (research)

Women Economic Empowerment; Challenges and Opportunities in post-2021 Afghanistan (upcoming)

The MHPSS situation of Women Aid Workers (upcoming)

"The Impact of the Food Crisis on Women and Girls in Afghanistan”, CARE

Inter-Agency Rapid Gender Analysis”, CARE / UN-Women

“Qualitative Diagnostic of the Strengthening Women’s Economic Empowerment Project in Afghanistan”, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit for the World Bank

Ten years of the Elimination of Violence Against Women Law in Afghanistan: a literature review”, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

Chapter “Displacement and Return Migration”, Political Economy Analysis of Areas Relevant to the Triple Nexus in Afghanistan, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit report for the World Food Programme

Gender Alert, “Issue XII: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women Affiliatedwith Opium Poppy Cultivation”. Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, with UN-Women and UNOPS

As Research Assistant: “Migrants caught in crises: Contexts, responses and innovation”, 2020 World Migration Report, IOM

“From Europe to Afghanistan: Experiences of Child returnees”, Save the Children

Freedom of Expression in Peril”, Situation Note on Tanzania, FIDH

La répression se poursuit à huit clos dans la région du Pool”, position note on Congo-Brazzaville, FIDH

Rwanda UPR Report for WONETHA and Crested Crane Lighters, Ugandan NGOs

“What Legal Framework under International Law for Unrecognized Entities ? The case of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic”

“The JCPOA : a legal analysis of the Iran nuclear deal”

Mélissa Cornet is a researcher and writer based between Kabul and Istanbul. She has been researching the impact of conflict on women and girls since 2016, working mainly in Afghanistan.